Meet the Team — Orlando wedding photographers and commercial photography

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101 S. Garland Ave. #108
Orlando, FL 32801


Orlando wedding photographer and commercial photography, Tampa wedding photography and commercial photographer, New England, Boston, Maine, New York, and Newport wedding photographers Brian Adams PhotoGraphics

Meet the Team

Meet our photographers. Every member of our team has 13+ years of wedding photography experience, with a combined experience of 55 years. Team members are listed in order of when they joined our team.

Brian - Owner & Creative Director

Brian - Owner & Creative Director

Brian has photographed 350+ weddings since 2002, the year he founded Brian Adams PhotoGraphics. Click here to view Brian's large wedding photo gallery or flip through the small version:

Troy - Associate Photographer

Troy - Associate Photographer

Troy has photographed hundreds of weddings since 2003, the year he joined Brian's team. Click here to view Troy's large wedding photo gallery or flip through the small version:

Lori - Associate Photographer

Lori - Associate Photographer

Lori has been photographing weddings since 2002, and first joined Brian's team in 2007. Click here to view Lori's large wedding photo gallery or flip through the small version:

Scott - Associate Photographer

Scott - Associate Photographer

Scott has photographed hundreds of weddings since 2002 and joined Brian's team in 2012. Click here to view Scott's large wedding photo gallery or flip through the small version: